Friday, July 12, 2013

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In an interview with Times, Bloomberg presented himself as "a oneman counterweight" to the NRA. And, while he disagrees with that group on pretty much everything, he does seem to appreciate their lawmaker rating system, which, he said, is a useful tool for picking Congressional candidates to receive his superPAC cash. As the Brookings Institution's Thomas E.

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Slugs. To the RDCK for bringing in dog bylaws in Procter/Harrop. What good are bylaws when the officer will not come out and see for herself that the dogs are still barking non stop, still running loose (but in the dark now) and still killing wildlife. Par exemple, liton sur le site du dpartement de physique de l'Universit d'tat de New York, une faon frquente de fabriquer ces verres est d'y ajouter un soupon (0,01% 0,001%) de chlorure d'argent, une petite molcule compose d'un atome de chlore et d'un atome d'argent (AgCl). Normalement, l'AgCl laisse passer la lumire visible sans encombre (du moins, ces concentrations) et ne colore donc pas les lunettes, mais les rayons UV transportent assez d'nergie pour briser ces molcules en un ion ngatif Cl (soit le chlore, qui au passage vole un lectron l'argent), et un ion positif Ag+. Les UV arrachent ensuite au chlore l'lectron qu'il a chapard l'argent, qui le reprend aussitt, ce qui signifie que les ions Cl et Ag+ louis vuittonhandbags online shopping perdent momentanment leurs charges lectriques.

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