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The campaign was shot on the high plateaux of the Californian desert,Why it there? Since from where, on a clear night, the Moon takes on an almost supernatural intensity. The three astronauts are portrayed quietly surveying the sky from the battered pickup truck in which they have undertaken this journey together, each no doubt reliving an extraordinary memory. Beside them on the truck is Louis Vuitton's Iconic travel bag in Monogram canvas, an allusion to the hero who also dreamed of flight..
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Mu isiklik kätte? Kui Louis Vuitton Epi nahast Keegel Montaigne PM (Louis Vuitton on rohkem levinud Lõuna-jalgpalli mänge, kui sa arvad) punane. Epi nahk on jäik ja vastupidav kott oleks arvatavasti piisavalt kaalukas, maitsema peas vastulause ventilaatori abil. PM suurus on piisavalt väike, et all on bleacher ohutult parkima ja hoiaks zip-top sulgemist ohutult asjad sees kui kotti vihje või kukkuda iste (sest kui te kaotate oma pileti, et maailm lõpeb).
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